all postcodes in GU32 / LISS

find any address or company within the GU32 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU32 2AA 39 0 51.008452 -0.936861
GU32 2AB 33 0 51.008909 -0.936127
GU32 2AD 13 1 51.00817 -0.935873
GU32 2AE 35 0 51.007403 -0.937558
GU32 2AF 30 1 51.013172 -0.921389
GU32 2AY 1 0 51.015407 -0.920966
GU32 2AG 6 0 51.015004 -0.920745
GU32 2AZ 3 0 51.015645 -0.921488
GU32 2AH 22 1 51.014959 -0.919266
GU32 2AJ 20 0 51.016313 -0.916825
GU32 2AL 8 0 51.012545 -0.920331
GU32 2AN 30 1 51.013665 -0.920322
GU32 2AP 11 0 51.017186 -0.922391
GU32 2AQ 10 0 51.01536 -0.919784
GU32 2AR 4 0 51.015885 -0.92211
GU32 2AS 20 1 51.015834 -0.923466
GU32 2AT 2 0 51.016343 -0.92653
GU32 2AU 3 0 51.013178 -0.927946
GU32 2AW 7 0 51.016896 -0.921516
GU32 2AX 52 0 51.008168 -0.934761